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In the run-up to the next edition of Modefabriek, a number of exhibitors are already telling us their latest news and plans for the upcoming fair edition. For example, Knit-ted...
This July at Modefabriek there is plenty of men's fashion to be found! In Hall A we have 60 men’s only collections and brands that bring both men’s and womenswear....
International expansion From established favourites to exciting new names, the international fashion scene brings a lot of beautiful labels to Modefabriek this July. After Scandinavia, Italy and Belgium, this week...
Modefabriek features over 300 women's brands, brands that show both women's and men's collections, and children's brands. This week, we highlight Belgian brands and fashion agencies. We are proud to...
For July, Modefabriek is focusing on women's fashion especially in the higher segment, on feeding the buyers’ appetite for more childrenswear and on internationalization by showing more international labels. An...
All fashion professionals unite at Modefabriek 9+10 July, showcasing new collections (now already more than 300 brands), a great talks & trends program and a lot of inspiration. In the...